Remnants of a Distant World is a gripping post-apocalyptic music album inspired by the atmospheric soundscapes of The Last of Us Part II and Days Gone. This album captures the haunting emotions and dramatic survival themes found in these games, immersing listeners in a world that feels distant, desolate, and beautifully unsettling. Dedicated to Roman Sharf, Remnants of a Distant World combines genres like ambient, acoustic, electronica, synthwave, darkwave, and world music to create an intricate and layered sound experience. The album has a runtime of 43 minutes, with a majority of tracks designed to loop, making it versatile for both background ambiance and focused listening.

Listeners will encounter dark, haunting melodies alongside survival-themed instrumentals that embody the essence of a post-apocalyptic world. Each track is stream-cleared, making it safe for use on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and other streaming services, with proper credit. Whether you're a multimedia creator working on a survival game, post-apocalyptic film, or a dramatic storytelling project, this album offers an extensive collection of tracks that enhance the narrative and emotional depth of any scene.

As a royalty-free music resource, Remnants of a Distant World is available for use in commercial projects, from indie games to larger video productions, providing creators with a high-quality, immersive soundscape that helps bring their dystopian and survival-themed visions to life. Explore related works, like After The Disaster, for more music tailored to post-apocalyptic and dramatic atmospheres.

Inspired by: The Last of Us Part II, Days Gone

Genre: Ambient, Acoustic, Electronica, Synthwave, Darkwave, World

Total Album Duration: 43 Minutes

Does the album loop?: Majority

Key Features: Dark, Dramatic, Survival, Post-Apocalyptic

Can these songs be played during a livestream or used in a YouTube/Twitch video?: Yes, they are all stream-cleared.

Related Album(s): After The Disaster

Can be used in commercial projects?: Yes

Album Content

  • Main Menu Theme
  • Loading Menu Theme
  • Exploration Theme 01
  • Exploration Theme 02
  • Exploration Theme 03
  • Exploration Theme 04
  • Stealth Theme 01
  • Stealth Theme 02
  • Stealth Theme 03
  • Stealth Theme 04
  • Encounter Theme 01
  • Encounter Theme 02
  • Encounter Theme 03
  • Traversel Theme 01
  • Traversel Theme 02
  • Pause Menu Theme